Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging FLIR imaging

MWS Services offer a variety of FLIR imaging, an effective method for identifying electrical faults before they cause a problem. By using infrared technology to visualize temperature differences, FLIR imaging can identify areas of high resistance or excessive heat, which could be indicative of loose connections, overloaded circuits, or other potential hazards. Detecting these issues early on can prevent equipment failure, reduce downtime, and avoid costly repairs. FLIR imaging can also help identify areas of energy loss, which can lead to improved energy efficiency and cost savings. MWS Inspections offer FLIR imaging as a service in addition to electrical inspections, allowing you to identify and address potential issues before they become major problems and up-sell to your clients Overall, FLIR imaging is an important tool for ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical systems.


Licensed in Victoria Inspection Company  IC-601080


0417 057 914

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